Versatile Limited Access ADF Welding Goggles allow the welder to see the point of arc strike more precisely. This leads to a real time saving. The goggles do not have to be flipped up and down during welding, both hands are kept free and the goggles’ light weight reduces fatigue.
• Stylish and all new welding goggles fitted with a new digital ADF with great optical classification suitable for most welding applications, come with FR treated welding hood and a bump cap. Lightweight & stylish protection for tight spaces and can be worn with a hard hat
• The welding goggles are the latest welding safety PPE under the Messer brand and come with EN175 F rating face shield and quality true colour LCD auto darkening filter (ADF) 3-5_9/12 with grind function
• This allows the operator to use these goggles for various welding applications including pre and post weld operations including such as preparations of the surfaces and remove the spatters. The welding goggles allow the operator to use prescription glasses
• Kit comes with a fire-retardant hood, Bump cap & drawstring carry bag for storage after use.